Monday, December 13, 2010


I was sweeping the floor today and our little kitty Bones was attacking the broom from under the kitchen table as usual. So for those of us who like de kitties, here's my favorites!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Let it Snow!

It's been very chilly here in Rhode Island lately, but no snow as of yet! There was a tiny bit a few weeks ago, and I'm looking forward to the tiny, glittering flakes to grace us once again. As someone who's lived in New England my entire life, snow is always a beautiful, magical thing that I look forward to, especially this time of the year.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010


I have been busy the past few months and haven't had time to work on my blog, but I have returned! This time, I'm showing my favorite yoga-themed items from myself and my fellow Etsy sellers. Namaste!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What's New!

Check out what's new in my art shop! The photos were taken in Foster, Rhode Island, and are $25 for each 8" x 10" print, (buy 2, get one FREE), and the drawing is $175 for the original 11" x 14" piece, or $20 for each 8" x 10" print.